Early university leavers in companys
A win-win situation
Hardly any other interface is as exemplary of a win-win situation as that between university dropouts and companies. Highly motivated potential employees and trainees with a high level of education and initial academic achievements meet companies. And word has long spread among these companies about the added value that university dropouts offer. University dropouts have already a certain maturity, have already learned to take on responsibility, and are very loyal.
Why early university leavers?
Hhigh level of education & initial expertise
The higher education entrance qualification ensures a high level of education, which was often deepened by internships accompanying the studies.
Some dropouts decide against studying, but not against their career aspirations. Then they apply in occupational fields where they can continue. They sometimes have good in-depth specialist knowledge and can build directly on this in the training.
Initial academic achievements and experience
Students have always managed to start their studies before they leave. Depending on the level of the specialisation semester, competence in the areas of scientific work, teamwork, independent organisation of working and learning as well as subject-specific topics and content have usually already been acquired. Last but not least, the process of deciding to leave university also involves other important personal skills and experiences.
Higher motivationv & Higher level of maturity
During the process of doubting and deciding to drop out, dropouts have intensively considered career alternatives. They have matured in their personal development, are more independent and better oriented and more confident in their professional decisions. They draw increased motivation for their future stage of life from their experiences.
Moreover, dropouts are simply one to two years older and more mature than direct school graduates.
because there is always a plan B
How can you as a company address dropouts?
Digital company list
If your company also offers training in the region around the Lower Rhine and is open to applications from dropouts, then register for the list of companies.
“Dropouts welcome” button
Are dropouts welcome in your company? Then do what many companies have already done and set an example with our button.
With our button, you signal your interest in dropouts as skilled workers. The button is available for free download in different colour versions. Feel free to use it for your print or digital media.
Set an example!
With many small points you can make your company attractive for dropouts.
Newsletter for companies
Stay in touch with us and feel free to sign up for our newsletter. The newsletter for companies is in German and is published approx. twice a year.
We provide the button in different color variants for free download. So you can choose the appropriate variants for their print and / or digital media.
Button Download